Privacy Policy


Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate (SSFRE) is committed to protecting your privacy. We use information from you that you have voluntarily submitted to fulfill requests and provide any necessary additional information you may have requested from our company.

Submitting your name, email address, mailing address, phone number or other information is used to fulfill requests and will be done on a voluntary basis by you. SSFRE offers use of our services on our website without submitting personal information. We value your privacy and will strive to keep confidentiality of all of your information given to us as a trusted company. Slifer Smith & Frampton Real Estate will not sell, trade or rent your information to any outside third party. We may use collected statistics on our traffic, sales, tool usage to outside parties but these cumulative statistics will in no way personally identify any user in particular.

SSFRE may use third party advertising companies to serve ads for us. These companies may employ cookies and action tags (also known as single pixel gifs or web beacons) to measure advertising effectiveness. They may also use this technology to serve specialized or relevant advertising content and/or recommendations to you on the Site or on a third party’s website. Any information that these third parties collect via cookies and action tags is completely anonymous and does not contain any personal contact information. If you would like more information about this practice and your choices, including how to opt-out, click here.

Please be aware that when you are on SSFRE’s sites you could hyperlink or be directed to other sites that are beyond our control. These other sites may include sites of advertisers, sponsors and partners. These other sites may use their own cookies, collect data or solicit information. SSFRE does not control these sites and is not responsible for their content.

By using this website, you signify agree with this privacy policy. Please do not use this website if you do not agree with the SSFRE’s privacy policy. Any changes in this policy will be written on this page in the future. We welcome any questions or comments.